Personal Ownership – The Most Important Skill in Life

TEDxTacoma 2018 – In this talk I explain how the pain of my childhood gave me the mental tools needed to become a US Army Green Beret.
Picture shows the physical evolution of Travis Daigle from 300 pounds in the year 2000, to a Green Beret in Afghanistan in 2011, to a lean 195 pounds doing Crossfit in 2013.
My evolution from a shy and timid kid, to a US Army Green Beret is a huge part of what in forms my philosophy on self-improvement.

My name is Travis Daigle. I share lessons learned from overcoming physical/sexual abuse, battling obesity, being bullied as a kid, working as an electrical engineer, recovering from big financial mistakes, and becoming a U.S. Army Green Beret and Combat Veteran. The primary thing that I have learned through all these experiences is that the critical task in self -improvement is focusing on the things that we can control. To improve ourselves I believe we have to take total responsibility for our actions, beliefs, and overall direction in life – This is Personal Ownership, The Most Important Skill in Life.

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